MicroFreedom's list of "Distinguished Micronations" includes only the oldest and most successful new country projects.
Many of the leaders of these micronations have not only achieved great things for their countries, but have served as leaders to guide the entire community of unrecognized nations.
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Distinguished Micronations
A - Z Listing

The Aerican Empire (conventionally referred to in short form as Aerica) is a micronation founded in May 1987. The name is cultured from the term “American Empire.” In 2000 The New York Times described its website as "one of the more imaginative" micronation sites.
Its members claim sovereignty over a vast disconnected territory, including a square kilometer of land in Australia, a house-sized area in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (containing the "Embassy to Everything Else"), several other areas of the Earth, a colony on Mars, the northern hemisphere of Pluto, and an imaginary planet. Their flag is similar to the flag of Canada, with a large yellow smiley face instead of the red maple leaf in the white square.

Principality of AIGUES-MORTES
In 2010, in an effort to help boost tourism in the walled city of Aigues-Mortes, local Olivier Martinez invented a legend about suggesting that the King of France had declared the city an independent principality. The people of the city decided to adopt the legend as fact and made Oliver and his partner, Jean-Pierre co-sovereigns of their nation.
The people of Aigues-Mortes participate in annual celebrations and parades. In 2016, Prince Jean-Pierre and Oliver sponsored the creation of a local currency called the flamant. It is used by many business in the city and can be exchanged for Euros.

Republic of AKHZIVLAND
Akhzivland is a micronation between Nahariya and the Lebanese border on the Israeli west coast. The state was founded by Eli Avivi in 1972. The micronation is promoted by the Israel Ministry of Tourism even though its legal status remains ambiguous.
The micronation is located near the ruins of Achziv, an ancient settlement on the Mediterranean coast in the Western Galilee, about 5 kilometers north of Nahariya. A national park, field school, and the ruins of the Palestinian village of Az-Zeeb, which was captured by the Carmeli Brigade during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, are located nearby.

Free Republic of ALCATRAZ
The Free Republic of Alcatraz was founded in Italy on July 25, 2009 by Italian writer, actor and director Jacopo Fo as a protest against the degradation of Italian society at the hands of then-leader Silvio Berlusconi. Existing in the woodlands between Gubbio and Perugia, Alcatraz has blossomed into a haven for free thinkers with its own museum, restaurant and education center with workshops on everything from yoga to permaculture.
The nation was described by CNN as “a quixotic eco-resort,” as well as a "utopia in progress" with its own artfully crafted banknotes, passports, flags and stamps.

The Empire of Angyalistan (French: Empire d’Angyalistan) is a micronation founded on January 31, 1999, and whose sovereignty was proclaimed on October 7, 2000. It extends its territory along the horizon and is therefore a quantum nation: at every moment, each point on Earth is at the same time part of an infinity of horizon lines and not part of another infinity of horizon lines; the territory of the Empire is and is not at the same time, and Angyalistan has on it a quantum sovereignty, called “co-sovereignty.” The Empire of Angyalistan considers itself as a performative pantopia: this means that the mere fact of stating the principles of the Basic Law of the Empire is sufficient to achieve them.
The Empire of Angyalistan also claims since October 2012 garbage patches in international waters (North and South Pacific, North and South Atlantic, Indian Ocean), with the aim of making disappear this physical territory. For practical reasons, the people of Angyalistan live in exile and the empire is administered from its permanent territorialized embassy to the European Union, located in France near Paris.

Founded in 1981, the Empire of Atlantium is a progressive global sovereignty advocacy group and micronation that has its headquarters the Province of Aurora 300 kilometres southwest of Sydney.
At roughly twice the size of the Vatican and half the size of Monaco, Emperor George II founded the 0.29 square miles extra-territorial enclave as a just-serious-enough experiment in nationhood that was as much a reaction to those libertarians who were building their own micro-nations in spirits—both political and humorous—he found dubious.

Austenasia was founded on 20 September 2008 by Jonathan Austen, a student, and his father Terry Austen, a security guard turned gardener. After sending a declaration of independence for their house in Carshalton to their local Member of Parliament, Terry was named Emperor and Jonathan was named Prime Minister.
Terry abdicated in February 2010, and after various internal disputes, Jonathan then became emperor in January 2013 and began a program of expansion which has seen people from across the world join the micronation by claiming properties which they live in or regularly visit. The micronation has been featured in several local and international publications, and has a certain amount of fame within Carshalton as being a local “quirk.”

The Realm of Calsahara was founded in 2009 on a 2.5 acre tract of land on the Carrizo Plain of central California. It was later expanded to 120 acres in 2011.
Calsahara was originally ruled by King Montague, but he abdicated in favor of his son, who now rules the nation as King Nicholas.

Sovereign Barony of CAUX
The Sovereign Barony of Caux’s history begins with Hugo le Corbet who, with two of his sons, Roger and Robert, joined in the battle of Hastings with William the Conqueror in 1066. Hugo helped counsel the Conqueror in regards to the Welsh border lands which were unconquerable. For their service as knights to the Conqueror, Robert and Roger were given Baronies. Roger received twenty-five manors in Shropshire (The Barony of Caux). Robert received a grant of fifteen manors in Shropshire (the Barony of Longden). These Manors had been townships under Saxon rule.
Roger called both his castle and Barony "Caux" or "Caus" after his home in Normandie. The Corbets owed fealty to the Earl Roger de Montgomery. They were in sovereign service to help control the borders of Wales, with absolute local authority over their demesnes. The Barony passed to Beatrice Corbet in 1397, and the title was vacated in 1422.
The present claim to the Barony dates from 1972, and the Barony was restituted on August 27, 2001 by John I Baron of Caux. They issued a 1 Dollar Gold plated Silver coin dated 2006 on their 5th Anniversary of restitution. Their North American Embassy is based in Toronto, Canada.

Christiania, also known as Freetown Christiania (Danish: Fristaden Christiania or Staden), is a self-proclaimed autonomous neighborhood of about 850 residents, covering 34 hectares (84 acres) in the borough of Christianshavn in the Danish capital Copenhagen. It was temporarily closed by residents in April 2011 while discussions continued with the Danish government about its future, but then re-opened to the public.
Christiania has been a source of controversy since its creation in a squatted military area in 1971. Its cannabis trade was tolerated by authorities until 2004. In the years following 2004, measures for normalizing the legal status of the community led to conflicts, police raids and negotiations.

Grand Duchy of FLANDRENSIS
The Grand Duchy of Flandrensis was founded on September 4, 2008. The Micronation is inspired by the medieval County of Flanders (Pagus Flandrensis) and is regarded by its founder as a hobby-micronation; still the micronation has its own identity cards, currency, newspaper, constitution and national anthem.
On the basis of an interpretation of the Antarctic Treaty, Flandrensis claims five islands off the coasts of West Antarctica: Siple Island, Cherry Island, Maher Island, Pranke Island and Carney Island. Grand Duke Niels sent letters to the United Nations, the European Union and to the nations who signed the Antarctic Treaty to inform them of his claim. All of these countries ignored Niels and his claim.
The official embassy is located in the West-Flemish town Langemark.

The Conch Republic is a micronation declared as a tongue-in-cheek secession of the city of Key West, Florida, from the United States on April 23, 1982. It has been maintained as a tourism booster for the city since.
While the protests that sparked the creation of the Conch Republic (and others since then) have been described by some as “tongue-in-cheek,” they were motivated by frustrations over genuine concerns. The original protest event was motivated by a U.S. Border Patrol roadblock and checkpoint that greatly inconvenienced residents and tourists.

Kingdom of EDAN
The Kingdom of Edan is a serious attempt to recreate a new kind of nation, one made up of people all over the world united in their dedication to a just society, economy, and government. Edan was created in October, 1999 by King Richard. Initial growth in citizens was quite rapid and by January, 2001 the citizenty had grown enough that the Crown was beginning to offer its own services. However, the Crown learned that con artists were attempting to use the kingdom's web presence to swindle non-citizens.
Between 2002 and 2007 the Kingdom was a very limited web presence and did not accept new citizens. Discussions with citizens during that time led to serious revisions to the initial constitution and reduced the number of citizens drastically. On March 31st, 2009, the Constitution was ratified as law and applications for citizenship were accepted again beginning on April 1st, 2009.

Kingdom of ELLEORE
Elleore Island was purchased by a group of Copenhagen schoolteachers in 1944 for use as a summer camp. They proclaimed the island's tongue-in-cheek “independence” as a Kingdom as a gentle parody of the government structure and royal traditions of Denmark.
It's been stated that the kingdom's ancestry has been traced to a “monastic society of Irish monks who arrived in the middle of the 10th century.” Prior to 1944, the island was known mainly as the location at which the controversial film Løvejagten was shot in 1907. Numerous traditions peculiar to the kingdom have evolved over the subsequent decades, including a ban on the novel Robinson Crusoe, and the use of “Elleore Standard Time,” which is 12 minutes behind Danish time.
Many of the place names on the island, the kingdom's government and the titles assumed by its nobility are parodies of Danish equivalents.

Republic of FORVIK
On 21 June 2008, Stuart Hill unilaterally declared Forvik Island to be a British Crown Dependency, and thus not a part of the United Kingdom or of the European Union. Initially the official name was the Crown Dependency of Forvik, although this was later changed to the Sovereign State of Forvik. The name Forvik was coined by Hill.
In 2008 there were no full-time residents or permanent structures on the island. Hill announced his intention to erect a structure on the island, without planning permission. He traveled to and from the island on a small flat-bottomed plywood home made boat; in September 2008 he had to be rescued by a Coastguard helicopter and RNLI Lifeboat after his vessel began to sink. His boat was described as “ramshackle” and a “floating wardrobe” and was criticized by his rescuers for having no lifejacket or radio aboard.

The House of Homestead was established on a 16 acre piece of land that was purchased by Lord Arthur Henry Nieves in La Massana, Principality of Andorra. After years of service to the community of La Massana, Lord Arthur was granted under "fons honorum," the honorable title of territorial prince, a title that has been kept through the years within our family traditions.
The current Prince is the grandson of Don Rafael Nieves, who passed away in 1980 and passed the title onto Prince Arthur. Prince Arthur also maintains an embassy at his primary residence in the United States.

Principality of HUTT RIVER
The Principality of Hutt River is a micronation in Australia located 517 km (354 mi) north of Perth in the state of Western Australia. It has an area of 75 square kilometers (29 sq mi), making it larger than several recognized independent countries. Hutt River is a regional tourist attraction and issues its own currency, stamps and passports.
The micronation was founded on 21 April 1970 by Leonard Casley, who declared his farm to be an independent country under the name Hutt River Province. He attempted to secede from Australia over a dispute surrounding wheat production quotas. A few years later, Casley began styling himself Prince Leonard and granting family members royal titles, although he did not include the word “principality” in his country's official name until 2006.
On 1 February 2017, at the age of 91 and after ruling for 45 years, Prince Leonard announced he would shortly be abdicating the throne, handing over to his youngest son, with his youngest son Prince Graeme taking over the throne on 15 February 2017.

Ladonia (Swedish: Ladonien) is a micronation, proclaimed in 1996 as the result of a years-long court battle between artist Lars Vilks and local authorities over two sculptures. The claimed territory is part of the natural reserve of Kullaberg in southern Sweden.
The government of Ladonia is jointly led by a Queen and a President. The President and Vice-President are elected tri-annually, while the Queen, once crowned, reigns for life. The Cabinet Ministers are the legislative body in Ladonia, and they participate in debates and vote on proposals via the Internet. Many Ladonian ministries have artistic connotations and whimsical names.

Republic of LOSTISLAND
Lostisland, officially the Federal Republic of Lostislan, is an international project emulating a country which was created in April 2013 as a result of a referendum on unification of the Kingdom of Pavlov and the Republic of Lostisland.
Unlike many other micronations, Lostisland doesn't claim to be a sovereign state, but rather defines herself as a cultural and social project. Lostisland was founded in 2008 as an RPG, and reorganized into an exterritorial micronation in September 2010. In March 11th 2011 it was turned into it current state of the new nation project. At April 4th 2013 after the referendum with 66.7% support in Lostisland and 83% in Pavlov approved the unification, the Federal Republic of Lostisland was officially formed.
In July 2012, the Ministry of Transport of the then Republic of Lostisland organized a vessel expedition to Hunter Island, which is thought to be the first and only such event happening within the MicroWiki Community and one of the few ones in modern micronational history.

Republic of MOLOSSIA
The Republic of Molossia is a micronation in the United States founded on September 3, 1999 by Kevin Baugh and headquartered at his property near Dayton, Nevada. The Republic of Molossia is a successor state to the Grand Republic of Vuldstein, which was founded by Baugh and a friend in 1977.
Molossia consists of three properties that are owned by Baugh, located within the continental United States: Harmony Province, located in Dayton, Nevada, is the smallest of Molossia's territories, at little more than one acre (4,000 m2) in size. It is the Baugh family's primary place of residence, and the site of Molossia's designated capital, Baughston. Baughston was renamed from Espera on 30 July 2013 to commemorate President Baugh's 51st birthday. Two pieces of non-contiguous land are also part of Molossia: a small piece of rural land in Northern California referred to as the Colony of Farfalla, and Desert Homestead Province, in Southern California.
Molossia sells a variety of products in person and online, including homemade soap and signed photographs of the Baughs. Cinderella stamps are also produced by Molossia through its Postal and Telegraph Service. Molossia's currency is the valora, which is subdivided into 100 futtrus and pegged to the relative value of Pillsbury cookie dough. Cookie dough is stored in an outbuilding called the Bank of Molossia, from which valora coins made from gambling chips and printed banknotes are sold.

Republic of NAMINARA
Naminara is a micronation, and the "visa" issued by Naminara is required in order to enter Namiseom. It declared itself a self-governing country in 2006 as acceding to General Nami's natural greatness of soul and appointed Ryu Hongjun as the 1st head of culture and Suzanna Samstag Oh as a foreign head. In addition, it has invented its own passport, currency, stamp and telephone card, and has promoted the establishment of Naminara in other countries

Kingdom of REDONDA
Redonda also is a micronation which may, arguably and briefly, have existed as an independent kingdom during the 19th century, according to an account told by the fantasy writer M.P. Shiel. The title to the supposed kingdom is still contested to this day in a half-serious fashion.
The Kingdom is also often associated with a number of supposedly aristocratic members, whose titles are awarded by whomever is currently the King. Currently there are a number of individuals in different countries who claim to be the sole legitimate King of Redonda.

Holy Empire of REUNION
The Holy Empire of Reunion (in Portuguese Sacro Império de Reunião) is a micronation that was founded 28 August 1997 as a political and constitutional simulation. It claims the territory of the French ultramarine department of Réunion Island, but has no sovereign territory of its own and has never been recognized by any other sovereign state.
Its creators were students of the Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, and to date, most of its adherents are thought to be Brazilian.

Kingdom of RURITANIA
Ruritania is a micronation based around the fictional country of Ruritania featured in the novel (and later film) "The Prisoner of Zenda." Their embassy to the United States is inhabited by Queen Anastasia, the widowed wife of the previous ruler, King Wilhelm-Rudolf.
The country was created in 1960 and despite being based on a fictional location, the Queen maintains a colorful collection of crowns and other royal regalia inside the embassy. Ruritania was responsible for co-hosting the 2017 MicroCon gathering in Atlanta, Georgia.

Republic of SAUGEAIS
The Republic of Saugeais (French: La République du Saugeais) is a long-lived self-proclaimed micronation located in eastern France, in the département of Doubs.
In 1947, the prefect of the département of Doubs came to Montbenoît to attend an official event. The prefect had lunch in the Hôtel de l'Abbaye in Montbenoît, which was owned by Georges Pourchet. As a joke, Pourchet asked the prefect “Do you have a permit allowing you to enter the Republic of Saugeais?” The prefect asked for details on the mysterious republic, which Pourchet made up on the spot. The prefect responded by appointing Pourchet president of the Free Republic of Saugeais.
Georges Pourchet died in 1968 and his wife Gabrielle initially succeeded as president. She retired in 1970 but remained active in Montbenoît, helping the parish priest to preserve the abbey. To raise funds, a festival was organized in 1972, during which Gabrielle Pourchet was elected President for life by acclamation.

State of SANDUS
Sandus, officially the State of Sandus, is a micronation that was first created on 26 May 2009, by Will Sörgel. Currently, the government of Sandus is under the Sôgmô, who acts as the absolute monarch of the state.
The Founding Law of the current government was ratified on 13 April 2011 and, thus, created the monarchy that exists today. Sandus is a socialist and ancient country, which is completed by two constructed languages: Sandum Latin and Sancta. Sandus is known for its work in the foreign affairs sphere and is also known for being rather critical of conservatism.
Sandus has always been under the de facto control of the current Sôgmô, and the current government is the first time where all power is de jure delegated to him.

Principality of SEALAND
The Principality of Sealand, commonly known as Sealand is a micronation that claims Roughs Tower, an offshore platform located in the North Sea approximately 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) off the coast of Suffolk, England, as its territory. Roughs Tower is a disused Maunsell Sea Fort, originally called HM Fort Roughs, built as an anti-aircraft defensive gun platform by the British during World War II.
Since 1967, the decommissioned HM Fort Roughs has been occupied by family and associates of Paddy Roy Bates, who claim is as an independent sovereign state. Bates seized it from a group of pirate radio broadcasters in 1967 with the intention of setting up his own station at the site. He attempted to establish Sealand as a nation-state in 1975 with the writing of a national constitution and establishment of other national symbols.

Principality of SEBORGA
In arguing for the founding of Seborga in 1963, a Seborgan named Giorgio Carbone claimed, based on documents from the Vatican archives, that during the Middle Ages the town had become part of the feudal holdings of the Counts of Ventimiglia. He insisted that in the year 954, Seborga became the property of the Benedictine Monks of Santo Onorato of Lerins and in 1079 the Abbot of this monastery was made a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, with temporal authority over the Principality of Seborga.
Allegedly on 20 January 1729, this independent principality was sold to the Savoy dynasty and became a protectorate of theirs. In 1815 the Congress of Vienna overlooked Seborga in its redistribution of European territories after the Napoleonic Wars, and there is no mention of Seborga in the Act of Unification for the Kingdom of Italy in 1861. The Unification of Italy in 1861 and the Italian Republic in 1946 would therefore illegitimate and unilateral acts, because they violate the legitimate sovereignty of the people of Seborga.
The argument for Seborga's present-day status as an independent state is based on the claim that the 1729 sale was never registered by its new owners, resulting in the principality falling into what has been described as a legal twilight zone.

Kingdom of SHILOH
Shiloh is a sovereign micronation established in 2008 under the auspices of the United Nations Montevideo Convention of 1933. It currently claims a 1 square foot area in Scotland which is owned by Shiloh's ruler, King Timothy. The square foot is part of a massive nature preserve and is heavily wooded. In addition to their claimed territory, Shiloh also maintains an embassy in southern California in the Disneyland area.

Slabovia (also known as The United Slabovian Empire) is an unrecognized micronation founded (retroactively) by George Bragg, Patrick Goddard, Rankin MacGillivray, and David Yarker in the mid 1980's. Its origins can be traced to those ridiculous questions that teachers used to ask in early high school, like "an apple costs $3.50 in Outer Slabovia where the tax rate is 21%. What is the total tax payable on a baker's dozen of apples?" By grade 11 the founders had figured out that there was no Slabovia and set about creating one so that such questions could be contested (which never actually worked).

Kingdom of TALOSSA
Talossa, officially the Kingdom of Talossa, is one of the earliest micronations — founded in 1979 by then 14-year-old Robert Ben Madison of Milwaukee and at first confined to his bedroom; he adopted the name after discovering that the word means “inside the house” in Finnish.
Among the first such projects still maintained, it has kept up a web presence since 1995. Its internet and media exposure since the late 1990s contributed to the appearance of other subsequent internet micronations. Talossa claims several places on Earth as its territory, especially a portion of Milwaukee, calling it the “Greater Talossan Area.” As of June 23, 2016, the number of active citizens is said to be 213.

Republic of UŽUPIS
In 1997, the residents of the Užupis neighborhood of Vilnius declared independence as the Republic of Užupis, along with its own flag, currency, president, cabinet of ministers, a constitution written by Romas Lileikis and Thomas Chepaitis, an anthem, and an army (numbering approximately 11 men).
They celebrate this independence annually on Užupis Day, which falls on April 1. Artistic endeavours are the main preoccupation of the Republic; the former President of the Republic of Užupis, Romas Lileikis, is himself a poet, musician, and film director.

Kingdom of WALLACHIA
The Kingdom of Wallachia (Czech: Valašské Kralovství), named after the region of Moravian Wallachia, is a tongue-in-cheek micronation that was founded in 1997 by the photographer Tomáš Harabiš as an “elaborate practical joke.” The location is in the northeast corner of the Czech Republic, 230 miles from Prague.
Since foundation a reported 80,000 Czech citizens have acquired Wallachian Passports. After the official proclamation of the Wallachian kingdom in 1997, actor Bolek Polívka was enthroned as King Boleslav I the Gracious with his coronation occurring at a lavish ceremony in 2000.
The government led by Tomáš Harabiš established state institutions and issued passports to around 80,000 officially Czech citizens. A new currency, the Jurovalsar, was launched which was pegged to the euro at a rate of 1:1.

Westarctica began after its founder, Travis McHenry, discovered that no nation had claimed the area of Western Antarctica known as Marie Byrd Land. On November 2, 2001, McHenry sent letters to nine world governments, plus the United Nations, informing them that he was laying claim to the previously unclaimed swath of territory. Shortly thereafter, he organized this claim into a sovereign nation and proclaimed himself Grand Duke Travis. None of the parties have yet responded to his original claimant letter.

Republic of WEST WHO
West Who, officially the Republic of West Who, is a small self-declared country commonly know as a micronation. Located in California on .02 acres of land, West Who is completely landlocked by California. West Who is located 45 miles east of Los Angeles, California, USA.
The economy of West Who is supported financially by the sale of postage stamps and tourist mementos, fees for admission to its museum, and donations to the national treasury. West Who has a stable economy with one of the lowest unemployment rates among micronations, no national debt and a small budget surplus. West Who has a national currency - the West Who Dollar - which is pegged at 20 US cents.
The Republic of West Who refers to itself as a "domestic dependent nation," claiming status similar to a Native American tribal nation in the USA. Although not Native Americans, the citizens of West Who claim domestic dependent status, as a nation without national lands, except that which is owned by its citizens. Established in 1969, West Who has a democratically elected government. Presidential elections are held yearly. The Congress has thirty seats divided between a Senate and House of Representatives. The country's motto is "Independent and Free.”

In 1989 regional council boundaries around Whangamomona were redrawn. These revised maps made Whangamomona part of the Manawatu-Wanganui Region. Residents objected, as they wanted to continue being part of the Taranaki Region, and on 1 November 1989, they responded by declaring themselves the "Republic of Whangamomona" at the first Republic Day.
Though the move began as a pointed protest, the town continued to hold a celebratory Republic Day once a year, during which a vote for President was held. The day has become a local festival day, and attracts visitors from throughout the North Island. In 2001, the celebration became biennial, held in January to take advantage of the summer weather.

Wirtland is a political experiment into legitimacy and self-sustainability of an internet-based sovereign country. Wirtland's concept is a country that transcends national borders without breaching or lessening the sovereignty of any involved. Though it is also a web-based country, Wirtland differs from virtual worlds as its main purpose is not game or entertainment.
In Wirtland, there is no computer-simulated environment, citizens do not use avatars; Wirtland issues real passports and other documents. In fact, it is more correct to compare Wirtland to a small real self-proclaimed state. We also compare it to an internationally recognized entity with no land, such as the Order of Malta

Principality of WY
The Principality of Wy is an Australian micronation based in the Sydney suburb of Mosman. Established in 2004 in response to a lengthy dispute with the local council, Prince Paul Delprat also describes it as “the Artists' Principality,” and the website includes selected artworks by artists connected with the principality and commentary supporting aspects of the visual arts.

Republic of ZAQISTAN
Zaqistan, officially the Republic of Zaqistan, is a micronation in Box Elder County, Utah created in 2005 by self-declared president Zaq Landsberg. Landsberg pays property taxes on the land, which has no residents or buildings on it, although he has installed monuments and a border patrol gate. He sells passports on his website.
Landsberg, a sculptor who lives in Brooklyn, bought the property in July 2005 for $610. It has been various described as being 2-acres, or 4-acres. The nearest town is Montello, Nevada, about 60 miles away.