Captain-General Schroeder at Hooverville, the dilapidated second city of Calsahara

In 2018, the Ambassador from the Republic of Saugeais visited Calsahara.

The Overlord of Calsahara standing between the flags of the nation.

The Westarctican Royal Guards lower the flag of Calsahara for the last time during the conquest of Otisburg.

Grand Duke Travis and the Royal Guards after the conquest of Hooverville.

Boots Brannon was the original owner of the property on which Calsahara rests. It was only fitting that a small memorial be erected in her memory.

The Seven Seas of Rhye is renown for its heavily alkaline waters, which support teeming populations of fairy shrimp.

Every sunset in Calsahara is more beautiful than the last!

Captain-General Ciani receiving his commission in Montague Square in 2017.