Calsahara was a micronation founded in 2009 in the remote high plains of the California Valley. On 29 October 2017, it was conquered by the country of Westarctica and became a colony.
Official Name: The Westarctican Colony of Calsahara
(Cal=California + Sahara=Desert)
Land Area: 120 acres
Location: 175 miles north of Los Angeles on the Carrizo Plain
Climate Type: High plains arid grassland
Shoreline: 3,425 feet (inland river)
Roads: 2 miles (unpaved)
Capital City: Otisburg
Population: Unknown, census being conducted
Gross National Happiness Index: 0.7202 (#2 Worldwide)
Government Type: Colonial Administration
Head of State and Government: Grand Duke Travis
Royal Representative: Viceroy Nicholas (since 2017)
Military Governor: Captain-General Schroeder (since 2018)
Currency: Westarctican Icemark (Calsaharan Bulgur is used locally)
National Holiday: 24 November – Calsahara Day
Colonial Motto: “From nothing, something!”
Natural Resources: Wheat, Wind, Solar Power