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What is the exact date and location of MicroCon 2022?The event will occur over several days, from August 4 - August 7, 2022 at Sam's Town Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The date of the primary conference activities and gala ball will be Saturday, August 6.
How will the Covid-19 pandemic impact this conference?MicroCon was originally scheduled to occur in August 2021, however, the Organizing Committee and the MicroCon Committee made the decision to postpone the event for one year. There are still many uncertainties surrounding interational travel and quarintine procedures as well as potential legal ramifications from hosting a large gathering in the coming year. We will continue to monitor the ongoing pandemic situation and adjust the MicroCon event as needed to keep attendees safe and healthy.
What is the weather like in Las Vegas during the summer?Summer weather in Las Vegas is hot and dry. The outside temperature ranges from 80°F (26°C) - 110°F (43°C), however the hotels, casinos, and convention center will all be thoroughly air conditioned.
I will not be attending the conference in person, but would like to do a pre-recorded presentation or present via skype. Is this possible?"Sorry, no. Due to time constraints, the number of speakers will be limited.
Should I bring my Micronational passport?Yes! Many attending micronations will stamp your passport. Remember though, that your micronational passport isn’t likely to get you through U.S. Customs if you're traveling from outside the United States.
Is there an age restriction on attendees?All attendees must be over the age of 18, or have a parent or guardian present in their delegation.
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